Monday, 27 April 2020

Dancing while under the apocalypse #11

home exile day #43

How's everyone doing? Still mostly okay? Still mostly sane?

We are doing okay. on a scale of 1-10 10 being awesome we are at around a 7. Life is mostly normal except the whole home office thing and the gaining weight because eating more.
Also doing art.

Trying to sort out said art for people to buy ( this is slower than expected)

"Luminous Beings are we" NFS

making masks...this one has very time consuming and for reasons I can't explain makes me feel like I'm doing something of use, so I make a lot of masks.

many masks....

Gardening, we are lucky beyond belief to have a garden you can almost get lost in and a winter garden that will act as a hot house. So due to the fact I am home this year more than normal I put tomatoes in and yum! Cleaned the place up a bit so now you can sit in the room without being blessed with a billion spiderwebs on everything.

geese and goslings under cherry blossoms


Today is the weather will be fabulous but it turns tomorrow and hopefully we will get rain by Wednesday, it's been nearly a month now without rain. The whole area is screaming for it.'s Monday in case you wondered...

finally finished the new Thrawn books.... awesome!
 So be excellent to each other. The world is kinda the wild west at the moment. Stay home if you can, wear a face covering if you go out and remember we are all  in the same boat because it's a virus it doesn't care about you.

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