Sunday, 13 January 2013

2013 so far

It's been busy. Last year we bought this house which meant we inherited a jungle of a garden that no one has really taken care of for the 10 years before we moved in and our attempts have been mainly scratching the surface.

so far...
We missed going to coronation because work is insane this time of year for M. Heard there were a few interesting things that happened and it looked fun. We almost never get to go to 12th night because of work unless it's near by. Am looking forward to this year. Some changes coming up and ThorvaldR and his GF Tofa are a lot of fun. Crown tourney will be big since the couple coming in will be crowned at 20 years, though it's this king and queen who will get all the organizational stuff to deal with. So am happy we have an experienced king in place.

the goal will be to make some new garb and overhaul the Signet office big time. It's in dire need of some serious changes to streamline the process better.

501st events will be insane this year. We already have lego land DK and CEII booked, we're thinking about Legland DE as well as Bayern park( tho that remains to be seen) Plus what ever small events come up. We definitely need new costumes.

CEII is going to be fraking huge but then again so is Fedcon and we're booked for that as well which means no double wars again this year since now both events happen at the same time. I don't miss medieval camping much and given that the Sheraton is very nice and just over the walkway from the con hotel I guess I can safely say I'm getting old(er) because I like my bathrooms private and my showers hot and my bed without insects and cold.

Dirk has added a new con this year Galaxy con which we are thinking about seriously...James Edward Olmos is the star guest and I'd really like to hear him speak but we'll have to see.

The house ( better known as The Money Pit) needs new windows upstairs and the bathroom renovations need to GET STARTED ALREADY. We also as mentioned above have begun work on the le jungle. Saturday saw a mass action of tree felling and wood chopping and underbrush and shrubbery clearing. Good that we ordered a dumpster to get rid of it all. Of course I'm not as fit as I once was and a day of physically hard labour does me in so today I spent much of it on the couch dozing.

so far...

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