Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Geek goddesses and nerdy Boys.

It's that time of year again when we pack all out costumes and bits and bobs and head to Düsseldorf to hang out at Europe's largest Sci-fi convention Fedcon. It's a freaking blast.

So let's set the record straight here: I'm 46 years old. I'm a woman and I LOVE dressing up in costumes and what's more I don't give a rat's ass what anyone else thinks of this.

This is not really a new thing though, I've been playing dress-up for as long as I can remember. I never actually grew out of it. Around the age of 19 I joined the SCA and discovered that other people liked to dress up too, okay so it's medieval clothes but it's still dress up. Later on I discovered conventions and that, as they say, was that.

I'm excited about the prospect of seeing people in costume and being in costume. It's fun, pure and simple. For those adults of you out there who have forgotten what fun is and are shaking your head while you read this feel free to leave - don't let the door hit your ass on the way out.

I think as grownups, part of our problems in the world begins with this:  we give up our inner child and become seriously stunted. Getting older doesn't mean giving up fun, doesn't mean packing away that child like wonder that sees magic everywhere, and it sure as hell doesn't mean being all serious and boring.

This year we added a new set to our usual costume closet. We're doing the 10th doctor and a clockwork droid. I'm happy with this because it means I get to recycle a very old costume of mine. A polonaise, 18th C dress I made almost 18 or so years ago now. Usually I use this as my main Vampire costume but it will be just fine as a clockwork droid. Yes I can still fit into it. It's going to be a riot.

 So we plan on having fun, taking tons of pictures and  getting away from the stress of normal life.


  1. Have fun! (Our posts today kind of lined up well.)

  2. awesome! I missed your comment before I left but yeah we did synch and yep it was oodles of fun!


tales from the dark side...