Friday, 17 January 2025

We don't need no stinkin' normal

 David Lynch passed away yesterday. I remember when Twin Peaks came out, I didn't get to see it because we didn't have cable. But many years later I did and eventually bought the box set of DVDs because hard copies rule. My various socials feeds filled up with all the people who adored his work, or had met him or just really got the weirdness of his stuff. I am not really one of those people, he was a peripheral for me. I knew his big titles but they did not really speak to me.

I think he was brilliant though and now, like David Bowie whose passing hit me light a freight train and full speed, he's no longer corporeal. But, just like David Bowie, his art lives on and on. (if you can find it to watch)

Someone on one of my various socials bemoaned the fact that no where on any streaming can you find Twin Peaks, I mean it was there at some point but then it, like so many other things, was quietly removed to make place for something else. And I found this to be also sad. There is no vast library of all the things, mostly due to copyright laws and geolocking.

When the internet 1st became a thing it was a shining hope of all the stuff. Knowledge free for all, discourse with all the people, and open world of possibilities. But I realise now that authors such as William Gibson and all of the Shadowrun game books were more on the nose.  If we are not careful in 10 years there will be no open internet for all. And that wildly horrific slide backwards into a new kind of dystopian dark ages will happen. ( unless we all die of some virus or nuclear fallout, that's still a toss up)

I have nothing to add to this. I'm struggling with my health and depression and general ennui all the while pondering the reason for my actual physical existence on this rather amazing planet. I think it's mostly to be kind to people an help where I can. But what do I know it's hard to gauge one's own self worth, unless of course your a white,rich megalomaniac with far too much money and shit for brains.

I used to say all the time not my circus not my monkeys but really I suppose it kind of is since I, like everyone else here, lives in the big top and man it kinda stinks.

Nostalgia doesn't really win anything does it... if the telephone rings and I answer will I be pulled back into the real world or is this just a dream within a dream...

Tune in next week to find out...

A black bakealite German rotary dial telephone.